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Data Sovereignty: what approach should the UK take?

‘Data Sovereignty: what approach should the UK take?’ in partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise, with The Rt Hon John Whittingdale OBE MP, Minister of State for Media and Data – Department for Digital, Culture, Media and SportMarc Waters, Managing Director UKIMEA – Hewlett Packard EnterpriseSimon Hansford, CEO – UKCloudProfessor Sadie Creese, Professor of Cybersecurity, Department

Data Sovereignty: what approach should the UK take? Read More »

Cloudbusting Podcast features Amanda Brock, CEO discussing ‘The Impact of Open Source on Digital Strategies in 2021’

Join Amanda Brock, CEO for a discussion around the growing prominence of Open technologies in both corporate and governmental digital strategies. During the Podcast they cover common misconceptions about Open Source and dig into how tech leaders should frame the use of Open when building their digital strategies.

Cloudbusting Podcast features Amanda Brock, CEO discussing ‘The Impact of Open Source on Digital Strategies in 2021’ Read More »

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Amanda Brock from OpenUK talks about Open software hardware and data

On this episode, we are talking with Amanda Brock from OpenUK. OpenUK is a UK-based not-for-profit company which supports open source collaboration and open technologies within the United Kingdom. Its primary stated focus is to develop and sustain UK leadership in Open Technology, comprised of open source software, open source hardware and open data.

Amanda Brock from OpenUK talks about Open software hardware and data Read More »

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Berlin Buzzwords features Amanda Brock, CEO in Success Stories Blog

Berlin Buzzwords Success Stories is our brand new blog series where we ask people in the bbuzz network to share their own story. Part of ensuring a wide range of opinions and ideas can be shared at Berlin Buzzwords is ensuring that people from underrepresented groups within the Berlin Buzzwords community can attend and engage

Berlin Buzzwords features Amanda Brock, CEO in Success Stories Blog Read More »